For additional public reports please click below to view our Google drive folder.
A deeper dive into SSPZ data is available by viewing the SSPZ Data Scorecard in it’s entirety at the link below.
If you are a resident in the South Stockton Promise Zone or are trying to find a community resource, please call 2-1-1 to get assistance finding services or visit one of the websites below.
RSSC facilitates monthly meetings in the Midtown/Magnolia and Southeast Stockton neighborhoods as part of the South Stockton Promise Zone. These meetings serve as a space where community-based organizations can come together with neighborhood residents and stakeholders to share information on community resources and events. Another key goal of the meetings is addressing relevant neighborhood issues by listening to residents and leveraging resources as a collective to address those issues.
In addition to the monthly community meetings, RSSC facilitates a monthly Backbone meeting for the key partners leading these initiatives and focus areas to communicate, plan, and coordinate. Past meeting agendas and notes are available below.