Healthy Lives

To reduce chronic illness people must have access to the basics; healthy foods, health insurance, and convenient access to medical services and facilities. However, health outcomes are about more than access to medical care and individual responsibility. We must also reduce the root causes for chronic illnesses like trauma and environmental factors.

Priorities for creating a healthier Stockton are to reduce chronic disease like diabetes and obesity, but also to reduce trauma and improve mental health.

Healthy Lives

Community members lead healthy lives

Backbone: Healthier Community Coalition/Trauma Informed Leadership Team


  • Increase healthy eating and active living programs throughout the Promise Zone, as well as improving community spaces to promote these activities. 
  • Improve community safety and social supports through the Trustbuilder Initiative. 
  • Create and nurture trauma informed services throughout public and nonprofit services and promote a community dialogue on healing and trauma. 

Indicator A

% of persons age 18 and over diagnosed with diabetes

Indicator B

Obesity rate for persons age 18 and over

Indicator C

% of 5th grade students overweight or obese

Transforming Communities for Healing

San Joaquin County

The mission of San Joaquin County Transforming Communities for Healing is to address the collective trauma that San Joaquin County residents face by advancing policy and systems change, providing community education, and training service providers to implement trauma-informed care.